Dr Saad al-Ajmi
wishes to express its grave concern at the arrest of NCF Board Member HE Dr Saad
al-Ajmi in Kuwait. We are profoundly saddened by the implication for press
freedom in Kuwait, a country that hitherto has had one of the best reputations
for freedom of the press in the Arab World. We hope that justice will prevail in
the forthcoming appeal court hearing and Dr Saad al-Ajmi will be
Dr Saad bin Tefla al-Ajmi was arrested Saturday, 10th January 2015, after being found guilty in absentia of insulting Finance Minister Anas al-Saleh in a 2012 article published by the pro-opposition Al-Aan electronic newsletter about alleged government corruption.
Dr Saad bin Tefla al-Ajmi was released Monday, 12th January, ahead of an appeals hearing scheduled for 2 February. Hundreds of protesters have gathered at his house since his arrest.
The appeal hearing on the 2nd February is to clear Dr Saad al-Ajmi of defamation charges brought up by the Minister of Finance. Although the article was written by the editor-in-chief of the online newsletter, Mr. Zayed Alzaid, and not by Dr Saad al-Ajmi, both were indicted and sentenced to a week imprisonment.
About Dr Saad al-Ajmi
HE Dr Saad bin Tefla al-Ajmi (also known as Saad Bin Tiflah or Saad Al Ajmi) is a board member of the Next Century Foundation, and is a Kuwaiti businessman and politician.
Saad bin Teflah al-Ajmi is a former Minister of Information and Culture in Kuwait, a professor at University of Kuwait and a journalist. For a number of years, he worked in the Kuwaiti press as a columnist, translator and free-lance reporter. He regularly contributes to the Gulf News, to Asharq al-Awasat, the London based Arabic newspaper, as well as other Gulf publications. He was the director of the Kuwait Information Centre in London and headed Kuwait's Tashkeel Media Group in which he is now just a shareholder. He was also a member of the Kuwaiti National Assembly and became Minister of Information and Culture in 1999-2000. Saad bin Tefla al-Ajmi is currently a professor at Kuwait University.
I feel very sory about what's happen to HE Dr Saad al.-Ajmi, I wish Him immediate freedom.
I believe on unify World under One International Organisation such, which guarantee World Peace.
(please see my website)
Another way's politician behaviour like in Kinder-garden, dangerous.
Yoy may be helpful to achieve the aim.
Very unfortunate!
It seems if the jihadists don't kidnap and kill you, the Royal Families in the region will imprison you.
The more I hear about the news from there, the less desire I have to visit
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